I bet many of us, especially art lovers, have seen orchestra members playing music together (virtually), regardless if it's by streaming or a pre-individual-recorded performances.
(jump to video: here)
I tried to arrange a virtual orchestra with few musicians around, but looked like it would take too much work on putting together the videos for a production. But I was still longing to make something dedicated to COVID19 front-liners and to cheer everyone up, in this world, in their houses with families (or not).
So, I deeply saddened to put down my thought; It's not happening :(
However, few weeks after I neutralise that feeling, someone from my musician-friend circle, Giovani Biga, came up with an idea; to also make this with an exactly same piece I was thinking of.
Although I didn't officially say YES that I'm going to work on the video producing, I eventually did that, long-story short.

I'm not working alone, however. 2 other friends, Metta Ariono and Aubrey Victoria, helped me to contact musicians in Indonesia, and we got one also who's now living in France, and another in in Singapore at the moment. So, this's cross-country virtual orchestra; Indonesia, Singapore, France, and Canada :)
Here if you're in Indonesia's musical world, you might know a few names.

Since I made the video editing and production, I can do whatever I wanted to :) I decided to use "MUSIC TRANSCENDS BOUNDARIES" as my main idea.
1. RECONNECTING with friends, with someone you love, and with whoever you're making something out of your maybe-70-years life-span.
I've witnessed so many people are isolating in the meantime, but musicians could somewhat unite together. Moreover, I've seen a lot of videos made by many (classical) musician-legends. Everyone's connected to each other, strangely enough (in a good way).
2. OUT OF THEIR MINDS (in a good way) helping people, the health care providers, especially.
They could've seen things differently, as they are RISKING THEIR LIVES to someone with this misterious & fairly new virus. But NO! They go on with this - they're in contact with contracted people. I've seen news saying many doctors are now resting in peace because they're infected by this virus. We (and even WHO) still don't know much about this virus, and they're risking everything to save lives. They could stay home, lock themselves in the house, away from the virus and contracted people with virus, half-dead half-alive in the hospital. THEY! They are the front-liners who give people hope to be healthy again, physically, and the hope for them to go back home enjoying their cosy warm home-sweet-home with their families around! THEM! Let's give a big shout thanking them!
3. HUMAN BEING HUMAN! Helping each other out as much as we could. I've seen so many heart-felt acts of kindness people made these days. One that steals my mind is the advert I saw on Facebook marketplace, that they are willing to do the grocery shopping for someone who's infected (needs to stay home), to elderly-people (who could easily get a contract with the virus), and people with any kind of difficulties (especially mobile-difficulties). This is so heart-touching and heart-warming! Yes we need each other. Serve other people while we can. This's the beauty of living with one another. Human being human!
4. BRINGS EVERYONE EVERYWHERE! (out of COVID situation) I had experiences where the music I'm doing have served me well and have flown me to non-Indonesian and/or non-english speaking countries! And we somewhat feel connected with music. That simple! It's so true people perceive music as a universal language. And it's so beautiful.... Language barriers will never be able to make us stop doing our conversations through music.
That being said, I hope that this music could also serve EVERY ONE OF US, at any different life-paths, in any different situations, at any time, every where, any mood, any this any that!
There are a lot of orchestras in the world doing this, already, but we're non-orchestra affiliated, because we play in different orchestras, but we could unite in a small screen:
no matter which orchestra we are in,
no matter where we live,
no matter what we worry about during these months,
no matter if it's day or night,
no matter who's a better or worse player,
Helping each others hand in hand, we decided to do this isolation project, so I must emphasise that this's not fully my work, but I just happened to be the one who would put the video together to make one solid video, with the fact that this is my first time doing this kind of video editing. Freshly home-made, I did more than 25 hours to do this for me, from cleaning those 29+ audio tracks one by one (we don't use any fancy studio-quality microphones or something like that; getting rid of background noises, people talking, cellphone notifications, and you could name it one by one), to mixing them up as 'balanced' as I could. I sticked with manual video constructions, instead of instant apps, in order to reserve the good-quality audio and video resolutions; I'm hoping the audio-video experience won't hurt you :) Please bear with me for only 3 minutes, if you wouldn't mind to. *Audio: too soft, I'm sorry in advance. *Resolution: supposed to be 4K, but it's not recognising my 4K and decided to upload only 1080p instead. But, 1080p won't harm you, will it?
'Nuff said,
hope we, musicians, again, could bring cheer during these weird months!
Hope my video editing isn't that bad, and all tracks from 29 musicians are synchronised to each other and to their vide movements.. :)
Stay well!
Click here or below for the video:
Musicians (From top left corner to right):
- Metta F. Ariono, Satya Utama, Aubrey Victoria, Yowie H. Krisna, Aji S. Perdana, Hendri Waskita
- Marini Widyastari, Bima W. Tyoso, Wirya Satya, Nino A. Wijaya, Idam Lawolo, (Hendri Waskita)
- Michelle Siswanto, Nonni Betania, Oki Yani, Diki Pradana, Yashinta Pattiasina, Jane Irene
- A. Giovani Biga, Dave Nathanael, Kesthi F. Satwika, Yakobus W. Sakti, Aryobimo Yudomartono, Ari Moeladi
- Wen-Wen Bong, Saptadi Kristiawan, Josephine Kwan, Robby Subarja, Putri Juree, Irma Manurung
Musicians Convenors: Aubrey Victoria & Metta F. Ariono.
Masterminder: Marini Widyastari.
Pianist (click track): Harimada Kusuma
Video Production & Editor: Dave Nathanael
Variations on an Original Theme, op. 36 "Enigma" - IX. Nimrod,
by Edward Elgar, 1899.
Updated version here This version will have much much better audio quality (balance and mixing), as well as better audio-video sync :) Enjoy!!! :) Stay well!